Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Proverbs month

So this month I want to read a chapter of proverbs a day. I did this in the past. Day one- proverbs 1:7 : "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
I think of fear as not being boo I am afraid,  but more of an awesome respect sorta deal. When we have that respect for God, so much comes out of the relationship.  Sometimes I get so caught up on all the other stuff of being a Christian,  and forget the basic. God just really wants us to respect him. So today my challenge to myself is to strive to respect God with evey move I make.

Sunday, May 26, 2013


I graduated in 2009 with a degree in teaching. I have wanted to be a teacher so badly, but I think before this,  it was always my plans, and my desires, instead of God's. I feel like this is truly a time where I am trying to bask in his plans for my life, and man, when I give up control, things work out better than I could have planned myself!
For the past few months, I have been so luck to have a job at a middle school that I really enjoy. I loved going to work, and looked forward to working with the kids, and my fellow teachers. This job, however was a temporary substitute job (supposed to last until the school year got out). I was told when the year was over if I did a good job, I could possibly be offered a job. So to put it lightly, this year has been major stressful, I have been trying to do my best and prove myself. Well it was told to me what a good job I was doing, but they were not sure about being able to offer me a position, just because of the uncertainty. SO needless to say, this past month has been tough, because I knew I had done a great job, but not sure what or if there would be any pay out.
On Wednesday God really put the verse- Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." on my heart... Even thought I had given God my job situation, I could not leave it in his lap. I kept trying to take it back, and fix it myself. So I finally gave it to him for good. Thursday I talked to my principal and she officially offered me a job for the next school year! I had/ have had the biggest grin on my face. My dreams are coming true!! :) I wanted to write a blog to remind myself later down the road how grateful I am to have this job. I know teaching is not easy, but its my passion. I want to be able to reach kids, and be there for them. I want to be a positive influence in their lives. When my bad days come, and I get stressed, I want to remember this joy I have now. 

Saturday, May 11, 2013


We heard from a friend that Alesso's had a great dessert!  My friends this is good bye to diet, piz-ookie. Its a chocolate chip cookie slightly cooked with ice ceam. I think when I die, there will be one of these waiting.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Forgive them.

"Oh, Father won't You forgive them?
They don't know what they've been doin' Oh, Father, give me grace to forgive them'
Cause I feel like the one losin'"
-Tenth avenue north
I don't feel like saying more than this today,  but this is how my heart feels on a situation.  There has been an incident,  and I am trying to not hold a grudge, but sometimes its so hard to let go!

Of this world.

This is one of the beautiful azaleas we have in our front yard. I was walking the pups the other day and just could not help snapping a picture of it.
The cool thing about this plant is the way that two different colored flowers can come of the same branch. Both the blooms are still azaleas, so different, but from the same bush. I just think nature is beautiful.  This got me thinking about my own life.  Sometimes I get to thinking about the difference between a being a Christian and being in the world at the same time. I can be a Christian,  but still be involved in the world. I think it just comes back to at the end of the day, what are you planting everything in?

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Wanna be a moon

Well I am new to blogging- or at least new this go around.
I remember back in high school (almost 10 years ago) with the xanga, and all the silly blogs then.
This time I am doing this for me. I don't know if anyone will read this, or if it will simply be a place that I can express- me...
This past Saturday a friend asked if we could use my house to host an (in)courage meeting, I really did not know what this was, but since I am a "yes person" of course I said yes. This is a website where ladies from the blogging community come out from behind the computer screen, and meet in person. It was neat to be able to just sit & talk to a group of women. Reminded me how important fellowship/friendship is.
After hearing some of the stories, I realized blogging might be something to look back into.
So that's how I am here now. . .
I am reading Nehemiah a heart that can break by Kelly Minter, and we just finished Nehemiah 9 (this is the part that I normally do not read, or hear about. Most people know about the wall that Nehemiah bulit, but there is more to the story. ) Anyways, Nehemiah 9 is a prayer that really got me thinking.
This is my prayer.
God, I praise you! 
You are real & moving. 
Take EVERY part of my life, and do with it what you wish. 
I want to be a star moon for you. 
I think of the moon and how by itself, it would give no light. 
It is just a rock. 
Take my useless rock, and make it something
Something like a moon.